Spanish Class, 4th hour

The History of Mexico

I.  Before European influence

 The earliest inhabitants of Mexico hunted Mammoth and grew Corn.  Scholars know little else.

It seems that around 900 AD the Toltec Indians took over Teotihuacan.  By the 1100s,  they had conquered most of the central valley of Mexico.  However,  they had internal strivings,  and in 1300 AD the Aztec indians had established their own capital,  Tenochtitlan,  giving it a population of 100,000.

II.  Spanish colonization

 Spanish colonization of Mexico began when Cortez looted Tenochtitlan, which he later named Mexico City.  He stole the native gold and made a nusiance of himself.  He also single- handedly spread diseases among the Aztecs.
 Over time, the Spaniards spread monasteries and other instruments of autocratic rule throughout the country, eventually achieving the goal of oppressing all the Indians, though the never found any cities actually made of gold.  Their main tool was tribute taxes.  They divided the country up for that purpose.

III.  Revolution for independence

 In 1807, French forces occupied Spain and imprisoned King Ferdinand VII. Confusion spread in the colony.  Some creoles plotted to seize the colony's government.  One of these men was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a priest.  Late on the night of Sept. 15, 1810, he called Indians and mestizos to his church in the town of Dolores.  He made a speech known as the Grito de Dolores (Cry of Dolores), in which he called for a rebellion so that Mexicans could govern Mexico.  Today, late on September 15, Mexico's president rings a bell and repeats the Grito de Dolores.  Mexicans celebrate September 16 as Independence
 Hidalgo's untrained followers armed themselves and attacked Spanish officials and those who supported the Spaniards.  At first, Hidalgo gained support for his cause.  But most of his followers were Indians and mestizos, and not creoles.  Some Indian communities also refused to support Hidalgo because of the violent ways of the rebels.  Hidalgo was forced to retreat.  In 1811, Spanish troops captured and executed him.
 Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, another priest, continued Hidalgo's struggle.  In 1813, Morelos managed to become a martyr, but even then the cause lived on.  By the 1830s, the  USA had to fight war against Mexico, and that was when most of it's current northern border was settled.
Mexico until the present.

 Mexico has become one of the world's most populated countries, yet it is, in some ways, still third- world.  Many people are poor; so poor that we find it hard to imagine their conditions.  However, it is a growing country, a force to be reckoned with.

1.  Encyclopaedia Brittanica,  13th edn.
2.  Encyclopaedia Brittanica,  15th edn.
3.  World Book Encyclopedia
4.  World Book Info Finder

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